Sauté the cloves of garlic (peeled and cut in half) with the olive oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over a moderate heat. As soon as they begin to colour, add the tomatoes cut into small pieces and half of the basil. Season with salt and add a good dose of freshly ground pepper (or ½ a teaspoon of powdered chilli pepper), cover the pan and cook for a quarter of an hour. Pour in the boiling stock (using meat stock, the Pappa will be more flavoursome and closer to the original recipe). As soon as the "soup" comes back to the boil, add the thinly sliced bread. Cook for another ten minutes, stirring frequently. If the Pappa seems too thick, add a ladleful of stock, if too liquid, add a little more bread. Stir again and turn off the heat. After about an hour, stir well so that the bread completely disintegrates. If you like, you can heat it through for a moment (make sure that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan).
Serve the Pappa warm or hot (but never boiling!) adding two to three tablespoons of olive oil, another good dose of freshly ground pepper and the remaining basil: one last stir and it’s ready!
en Sie darauf, dass er nicht am Topfboden anbrennt). Servieren Sie den Brei warm (niemals heiß!) oder lauwarm, mit 2-3 EL Olivenöl, einer beherzten Prise frischgemahlenem Pfeffer und dem übrigen Basilikum: ein letztes Mal umrühren und los geht’s! ......ich vergaß: verwenden Sie keinen Käse.